
Thursday, 9 July 2015

How to use Whatsapp without Mobile Number

Do you want to use Whatsapp without mobile number? If you do then I am sharing a guide with you today which will help you to use Whatsapp without using your phone number.

No mater if you don’t have a SIM card still you can enjoy this awesome service and start chatting with your friends. I have seen many users who deliberately don’t want to link their number with Whatsapp for personal reasons and yet they want to enjoy this service as well.
So, for such users I am sharing this guide with you which will help you to use Whatsapp without using any kind of mobile number. You need to follow this guide and you are all the way there.

Use Whatsapp without Mobile Number

So, here are the steps which you may follow to use Whatsapp without using Mobile number, phone number or having no SIM card. Now without taking your time more I would request you to get towards the below piece of writing.
  • First of all, Save your complete Whatsapp data to your phone and uninstall the existing Whatsapp account.
  • Now, switch your phone to Flight Mode then Download and Install new Whatsapp on your phone.
  • After that, go with on-screen instructions and put your phone number there, don’t it will not send the message as your phone is on flight mode.
  • Now, it will ask you to select an alternative method to select for verification of your number. Then you need to select Check Through SMS.
  • Afterwards, enter your email address and Click on Submit button. Then immediately click on Cancelbutton.
  • Now you need to install spoof messages apps for your device. If you have iPhone then install Fake-A-Message and if you have Android phone then install Spoof Text Message.
  • After that, go to Outbox and send the detail to spoofed verifications. Use these details for that; To:+447900347295 From: Country Code, Mobile Number and Message: Your Email ID.
  • Now, these details will be sent to that false number and you may use that number for the verification of your Whatsapp account.
  • This was it!


So, this was my guide which has made you learn to use Whatsapp without mobile number. I am sure that this guide would have been proven helpful for many of the users out there. If you have any kind of queries left related to this guide then lend your queries in the comment box. I shall get back to them as soon as possible.
Was it helpful? If it was, then don’t forget to share this article with your other friends and circle too. You may never know that your share may be proven helpful for many of the users out there. So, keep sharing and liking our content over social media.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

How to Lock a Folder without Using Software

The computer users mostly have confidential data on their PCs. It is very important to hide the confidential data in Windows. Some time the data which is really private need to be secured from the third-party and needs to ensure the complete privacy for it.
Although, there are some trail versions available for folder lock software but these all come with an expiry period. So, these can’t be used after some time. But by using the steps  explained here, you will be able to create a folder which can be locked by password means you can actually lock a folder without using any software. All the data placed in this folder will be password protected. So, you can place all data which you want to hide from other users in this folder. This method works 100% on all versions of Microsoft Windows operating system.

Learn-How to Lock a Folder Without Using Software

So, here are the steps which you are supposed to follow to in order to lock a folder without using any third party software. The steps are quiet simple yet amazing which you are supposed to use. Now, without taking your time, I would request you to get towards the below steps:
  • First of all, open Notepad.
  • Now, copy the below code and paste them to Notepad.
title Folder Locker
if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p “cho=>”
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
attrib +h +s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p “pass=>”
if NOT %pass%==123456789 goto FAIL
attrib -h -s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
ren “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

  • After you copy the  commanding,you will find this one in the source code:123456789(change it with any password you want). In this I’ve used ATT as password. You may check the below example to get the complete idea that what you are supposed to change.

For example:
if NOT %pass%== ATT goto FAIL

//so your password here becomes ATT .//

  • After that go to Save as and name this file as locker.bat and then you need to set Save as type to All Files.
  • Now a batch file will appear where you have saved the notepad file. You need to Double Click on that file and then you will see a pop up Window of MS Dos.
  • Then it will ask you that, “Are you Sure to Lock the Folder“. You need to Press “Y” and press enter.
  • Now, again Open it and then it will ask you to enter the Password which you have set in the source code. Enter that password to proceed.
  • You have followed the steps correctly and the locker is working fine. Now, here comes the hidden part. you will see an ordinary looking folder named Locker and a Batch File which is also named Locker. The folder is working as a Locker and the Batch file is as a key. You need to paste your important documents to the Locker Folder and then Open the Batch File and grant the permission to lock it. Ones the permission is granted then it will hide the Locker folder. To access it again Open the Batch File, enter your Password and access your file.
  • But by using this there is a little risk, one can see the password by right clicking on the bat file and clickEdit, it will show you the source code which you have used previously. In order to prevent it we use a software named at_To_Exe_Converter.
  • You can download this by clicking here (Click Here)
  • After,downloading it, you should have a zip file. Now extract it you will find this.

  • Now, go into the folder and select the OS i.e either 32-bit or 64-bit. Go into your bit(i.e 32 or 64 bit)
  • Now run the application and a screen will pop up.
  • Now choose the .bat path and click on COMPILE.
  • Now you see an .exe application on the desktop.
  • This was it.                          


    That’s it, now you can lock any folder using above method. If you find any difficulty or if you want any help just comment below and feel free to ask. If you are successfully done then share your experience by commenting below. Furthermore, if you have found this guide helpful and worth reading then do share it with your other friends and circle too. So, keep sharing and liking our content.

How To Automatically Shutdown Computer

Using an automated shutdown is very much useful, especially when you want to shutdown your PC after a specific time like after finishing the downloading or when you are not using it.
So, if you want to automatically shutdown computer but don’t know how to do it? Then, don’t worry because today I am gonna show you that how you can automatically shutdown your computer after a specific period of time. In this tutorial I will teach you that how you can easily shutdown your computer using the Notepad, which is pretty much easy and simple too. So, without wasting much of your time, let’s get started with our tutorial.

Learn-How To Automatically Shutdown Computer

So, if you want to automatically shutdown computer then follow the below given steps to get started. This method is a lot more easier and simpler than using a Task Scheduler to schedule an automatic shutdown task on your computer and also takes couple of seconds to set it up. So, without further ado, let’s get started.
  • First of all, open up the Notepad. You can simply open it by going into Start and then type Notepad in theStart menu search bar and then hit Enter key on your keyboard.
  • Now, in Notepad, simply paste this given code.
  • @echo off
  •  :W
  • if %time%==00:00:00.00 goto :X
  • goto :W
  •  :X
  • shutdown.exe /s /f /t 60 /c “AnandTricks”
  • Now, rename the AnandTricks to anything which you like, and you have to enter the time in00:00:00:00 field. It will be in the format of H:M:S:MS (Hour, Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds) and also remember to insert the time in 24 hours format.
  • Then, click on File and then select Save As option.
  • Now, select All Files in Save as type section and now name it as autoshutdown.bat and then click onSave button.
  • That’s it! You are done! Now, to check it, just double-click on the BAT file and then you will see a blank command prompt window, now leave that window opened and do your work, it will automatically shutdown your computer in your specified time.


So, this was all about how to automatically shutdown your computer. I hope that now you can easily and automatically shutdown your computer. If you have any type of queries regarding this tutorial then do let us know, we will try our best to resolve them. And plus, if you’d like this tutorial then do share this with your friends and circles too.

Monday, 2 February 2015

Increase your Android Phone RAM using SD Card

Article on: How to Increase Ram in Android phone. From lower classes we all have known about RAM and ROM. Where the RAM is more important to many electronic devices or the machine which works based on software platform. So you can find this on all smartphone devices where the manufactures will offered with good amount of RAM. But for playing big games you need to great RAM not only for playing games, to do more additional stuffs. More RAM power increase your processing speed. This problem can’t be found on High Class and Expensive mobiles. So if you’re going for budget phones then you might struggle with these issues i.e, Lower RAM. Now this issues can be solved using a memory card. Today I will shere easiest way to increase ram on android phone.
Increase your Android Phone RAM using SD Card
This tutorial is about Converting SD Card into Phone RAM. For executing this trick there are few quick steps with some technical process. So I advice you guys to follow me close and do step by step as I assist you. Lets check out,
Here we’re going to use 3 Android Application and 1 PC tool toincrease Ram In Android Phone. So for performing this method you need your Mobile which to be increased with RAM capacity and a Computer.

How to Increase Android RAM

Step 1: Checking your phone compatibility

Here we’re are going to use an application called MemoryInfo & Swapfile Check which helps you to find your mobile supports this swap process its not possible or not? So for checking it you need to download MemoryInfo & Swapfile Check on your Android mobiles. If your phone supports swap function then go ahead to next step. [Link]

Step 2: Partitioning SD Card 

  • First Download MiniTool Partition Wizard and install it in PC. [Link]
  • Then connect your SD Card to PC & Open MiniTool Application then select the SD Card and press Delete (Formatting your memory card). So before procceding this steps backup your files.
  • Now your SD card has un-allocated space, just right click and choose New Partition, make sure partition is primary and file system is FAT32.
  • Be sure to leave maximum 1GB in your SD card and choose remaining space as your above partition.
  • Create another partition with remaining space with primary mode but this time change the file system to EXT2EXT3EXT4.
  • Then Press Apply Changes and wait for few minutes till your partition will be created.

Step 3: Rooting your Mobile

  • Download Link2SD on your Android Device. [Link]
  • Then run the application and give root permission.
  • Now Choose the .EXT partition you have created earlier in above Step 2.
  • Then Sorts the app and start Linking them.

Step 4: Increasing Your Mobile RAM Capacity

  • Download Swapper for Root and install it on your smartphone. [Link]
  • Then open the application and select the amount of RAM you like to increase.
  • Now this application will created a .SWP and your RAM capacity will be increased for your smartphone. That’s it!

Final Words

How do you feel? Are you excited? Then make your friends too excite by sharing this tutorial with them via social networking sites. If you want to spend some buck for this, then go for the paid application called ROEHSOFT RAM Expander (SWAP) so that you can Increase RAM using ROEHSOFT RAM Expande. If you’re facing any issues then drop them in comments, you can also Increase RAM of Android without Root Don’t forget to share your thoughts in comments below! Cheers;)

Top 5 Best YouTube Tricks And Tips

YouTube is world’s best and most popular video streaming and sharing website. The best thing about YouTube is that it allows you to share your own videos easily. YouTube is one of the most famous website with over millions of users and billions of page views daily.
On YouTube, you can easily find almost any type of videos that you want to watch. YouTube has a wide variety of videos and it also allows you to watch and upload your 3D videos. While many people think that YouTube is just a simple video streaming and sharing website. Well, YouTube has many amazing features and tricks that many people doesn’t know about them. So, today I have created this list in which I will show you the top 5 best YouTube tricks and tips that will definitely enhance your YouTube experience and also allows you to explore further YouTube features. So, without wasting much of your time, let’s get started with our list.

 1. Set Default Video Quality

Every time you open a video on YouTube then you have to manually change the video quality, which is really annoying when you have a slow internet connection. Now, to get rid of this, click on Options and select thenever play high quality videos option.

2. YouTube Live

YouTube Live is another program of YouTube, which allows you to live stream your videos. By using this feature, you can also live broadcast any concert or events on your YouTube channel.

3. YouTube Video Editor

YouTube has also its own video editor program, which allows you to edit your videos before publishing them on your YouTube channel. The YouTube Video Editor has many great features like color corrections, transitions effects, texts, and also let’s you to add any other audio to your video. The YouTube Video Editor is very simple and easy to use.

4. Link a Video To Specific Time

If you want to link your video at a specific time then just add #t=YYs to the end of the URL of your video. Now, remove the YY and add the specific time of your video that from where you want to continue the video and also remember to add the time in seconds only, the small s denotes the seconds.

5. Watch YouTube Video Blocked In Your Country

This is one of the most useful YouTube trick, that allows you to watch any YouTube video, which is blocked in your region or country. To do that, just replace the /watch?v= to /v/ and then hit Enter key.


So, this was all about the list of top 5 best YouTube tricks and tips. I hope that these tricks will definitely enhance your YouTube experience. If you have any queries regarding this article then do let us know, we will try our best to resolve them. And plus, if you’d like this article then do share this with your friends and circles too. By ANAND GAUR

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Create Your Own Run Commands In Windows

Many PC users use Windows OS , that is just because it is simple, easy and is loaded with many rich features. Well, Run command is one of the feature of Windows OS, that lets you open any program or application by typing a single command, which is also saves a lot of your time. The Run command is used to open any document or program via terminal commands. This is a very helpful tool, especially when you have to finish your work quickly.
Many users think that this specific commands are already programmed in Windows OS and can’t be changed or made, which is not so true. So, for your ease, I have created this tutorial to guide you through the entire process. By using your own Run commands, you will be able to open your desired programs just by typing a single command and it will also helps you to save your valuable time. There are many Run commands that are provided by Windows to open a specific program or document but these commands are very difficult to remember. So, this is why I am gonna teach you that how you can create your own Run commands in Windows.

Learn-Create Your Own Run Commands In Windows

To create your own Run commands in Windows, follow the below given steps to get started.
  •  First of all, you will have to choose the program or application, for which you want to create your ownRun command.
  • After selecting your specific program or application, right-click on desktop and create a new shortcut by going in to New => Shortcut.
  • Now, a new dialog box will appear in which you have to enter the path of your desired program or application for which you want to create Run command.
  • For example, if you want to make a Run command for Call of Duty Black Ops then I will browse to the.exe file of the game and then I will copy the path which is given in the address bar and paste it into the dialog box, which appears, when you create a new shortcut.
  • Once, you find the path of your specific program or application then you have to click Next and enter any name to your shortcut. Remember that the name you provide in the shortcut will also be used as a Run command. For example if you name the shortcut as CoD then you will also have to enter the same words in Run command to make the application work.
  • Now, click on Finish button.
  • After that, copy that newly created shortcut and paste it in Windows main directory. Which is mostly,C:\Windows.
  • That’s it! You are done! Now, you can start your desired application or program, by typing the name of your created shortcut in Run command.


So, this will about creating your own Run commands in Windows. I hope that now you will be able to create your own Run commands. If you have any queries regarding this tutorial then do let us know, we will try our best to resolve them. And plus, if you’d like this tutorial and find this tutorial informative then do share this with your friends and circles too.

Top 10 Best Websites for Medical Students for Research and News

Medicos have a lot of syllabus and lot more to keep in mind which needs a lot of memory power. However, we cannot help with the fact that working hard is the only solution but, here, are some very useful and best sites which are used by millions of medicos in order to make their work easy.
Furthermore, today we are going to share top 10 best websites for Medical students which can be used for research, study materials and news. You may use it smartly as well, in order to ensure easy approach to your queries. So, get to the sites and select which suits you most.

Top Ten Websites for Medical Students

So, here are the top 10 websites for medical students which are gathered by us. These all websites are really best and can be used for various relevant purposes. You are bound to use any one site from below list, you may use all of them to gather some best data for yourselves. Now, without wasting your time, I would request you to get to the below piece of writing.

1- Medical Student

This is the top website used by millions of medical students across the world which provides with the best information. This free and incredibly comprehensive site provides links to online medical textbooks, medical journals, continuing education/board exam information, and more.

2- Medscape

This site provides with several materials, news and information. This site also provides communication between students of several universities.

3- Medical Mnemonics

This is the best site for almost all medico students.Any student who has tried to memorize lots of information knows how helpful mnemonics can be. This resource offers handy ways to remember all that medical information.

4- eMedicine

eMedicine is undoubtedly one of the most awesome, free medical references available online. Its website has been upgraded recently to feature printer-friendly pages and faster navigation. All of their articles cover every aspect of both Internal Medicine and Surgery and are extensively peer-reviewed before publication.

5- MedicalMatrix

Medical matrix is similar to medical student. This medical site is a source of links to all free (and paid) online textbooks, medical journals, CME and lots more. MedicalMatrix is more thorough and offers specific links based on specialty i.e. clicking on Anatomy will return links to textbooks, journals, news, practice guidelines, cases, image repositories, CME, forums and patient education regarding Anatomy only.

6- MomMD

The MomMD mostly covers the areas related women health. It has too many materials related to women medical health. You can find too many awesome and helpful content there with complete ease. It also provides content for Pre-medical students.

7- Doctors Hangout

Doctors hangout provides an interface where all the medical students can gather and have a chat and discuss doubts and information. It is very useful when no other way turns up.

8- Forensic Medicine for Medical Students

This site offers a wealth of information for forensic medicine, legal medicine, and forensic pathology. You can easily find good number of forensic medical science related stuffs here. The all material is tested and checked by them.

9- Med-Source

Med-Source provides you with the resources you need to save time, and get some sleep during med school. Get all possible information and save your time.

10- Real Doctors

This is the last site which we have got for you guys. The Real Doctors site provides lots of tutorials bound in videos and audio files which are easy to download or access online. Additionally, that concept of tutorial distribution makes medical student understand things very easily.

Study and Reference Materials

These are some more sites which we have complimentary added here in order to treat our readers loyally. You may use these study resource site too for your medical studies. So, accept this compliment from our side.

1- Encyclopedia of Psychology

This site run by Jacksonville State University provides links to anything related to psychology. This is a complete library which provides you too many material related to Psychology.

2- Directory of Health Organizations

Find listings of all health organizations for each disease or disorder. The complete information will be provided within seconds.

 1- Visual Medical Dictionary

This dictionary is based on Anatomy area in medical. It gives you a complete diagram of your searches. This is really helpful to gain the clear concepts of different terms in Anatomy. Therefore, we’d recommend you all to use this for your Anatomy study.

2- Human Anatomy Online

This site is also similar to the above, but is more clearer and faster. This also deals with Anatomy but at wider aspect. You can learn anatomy with clear definitions and diagrams.

3- Visible Body

This is the best site for studying Anatomy. Its new feature gives you a 3D view also making things easy and interesting. It is obvious when you get your stuffs in awesome way then you can easily understand the concepts and lectures.

4- OmniMedicalSearch.com

Gathering information from many of the top medical professional sites such as PubMed, NIH, and Merck, this search engine provides information from peer level sources. They also offer a “reference desk of hard-to-find medical resources.” This is a complete pack for medical student that is why we’ve put this here.


This was our ultimate pack for students related to Medical field. We are sure that these all websites for Medical students are going to be really helpful. If you are medical student and you have found this list helpful then do forget to spread this article with your other friends too. Knowledge is all about sharing, so keep sharing guys.

Top 10 Best Websites to Learn English Online for Free

Learning English is one of the best decisions one can make in order to improve their communication skills. There are almost 300 million people in the world who speak English as a second language. Learning English will also increase you confidence and you will also be able to impress your foreign clients or colleagues.
So, you have decided that you want to learn English, but don’t know from where? or you don’t want to go to some silly coaching who guarantee to teach you English in 4 weeks? if you answered “YES!” to any of the questions above, then this post is for you. We have listed top 10 best websites to learn English Online for free.

Top 10 Websites To Learn English Online for Free

So, here are the sites which you could use to learn English online for free. These are really trusted and most effective website which could be proven helpful to polish the skills of your English language. You may refer any of the below site to polish your English.

1- BBC – English learning

Before Internet became popular people used to learn English from Radios. As we all know BBC is the most renowned radio channel and is translated into 30 different languages. Learn English by BBC emphasis on topics like- Grammar, pronunciation, business English, and they teach these well using there quizzes, downloads, and the vast community that they have made over the years. This website is the one that you should definitely try if you already know little bit of English.

2- How do you do? 

This is a simple, free, yet amazing website. You can practice English by talking to Non-native speakers around the world using Skype. This website acts a bridge between people who want to learn and practice English. Also you don’t have to waste your time on this site like you do on most language exchange website.

3- Second language on About.com

This website has the best amount of English learning materials, tips, quizzes, grammar and vocab exercises. This website covers topics like: Beginning English, Intermediate English, Advanced English, Speaking, grammar and lesson plans for TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, etc.

4- English Central

This website has both free and paid account options. The website’s core is their video player, where students watch videos, learn vocab in-context of the video, and then speak using video as a model. The best part is that, they have a easy-to-use built-in tool called “intellicoach” that gives students feedback on their pronunciation.

5- Voice of America

There is a lot of information on this website. The best part is that they teach you fluent American English. You can learn by watching latest news related to World, USA, Business, Health, Education. etc. This will not only improve your English, but also increase your General Knowledge. This is a very very useful website.

6- ABCYa.com

This is a website for kids, but that does not mean adults can’t use it. This is an online game website that has games organized according to grade level. There are word and typing games to improve your English skills. This website was made for children learning but beginners can use it. The only set backs are that this website is not just for English so you will not get a huge quality of matter, and the main page of the website is a bit too much ad heavy.

7- Easy World of English (EWE)

Easy English World or EWE is one of the best websites to learn English online. They are known for teaching the best English grammar on the web. With very easy and quality courses on grammar they also offer pronunciation guide. You can learn to pronounce from very difficult words to all English alphabets. If you want to brush up your reading skills or vocabulary then they have a Readings page and also a Picture Dictionary to let you learn fast. PDF notes are also offered with some courses.

8- ManyThings.org

This website is not the most fancy one, but they have quality content and no ads. Mainly known for their quizzes, puzzles, and crossword, this website offers you with more than hundred vocab lists and more than 20 games to play with each one of them. Students can even browse links to YouTube videos, work with English proverbs and match definitions to words. Their content is high quality and you will learn English very consistently if you are persistent. You will even improve your American History. They now even offer these courses for iPad.

9- PhraseMix

These people are one of the few who have a very nice and user friendly website. Their blog teaches English to students by giving a “phrase a day”. The phrases are explained with the help of examples to improve your vocabulary. Students can look at the website daily or get the phrase delivered directly in their inbox. The phrases are both formal and casual. The website also has sections which offer explanations of basic conversation techniques.

10- MyEnglishTeacher.eu

This is a resource website. They provide you with the best tips, websites and material to get fluent in English. So you can choose the information you need and also improve a lot by reading and practicing English once a week. You can either practice with a qualified English Teacher or by subscribing to their for their news letter, which will deliver the best content related to learning English  directly in your inbox. The only set back is that, if you want to learn English from a qualified teacher you have to spend 3 bucks, but the subscription is free.


This was the list of top 10 best websites to learn English online for free. We are sure that this list is going to be proven helpful for many readers out there. If you have found this list helpful and informative then don’t forget to share this with your other friends and circle too. Your share may be proven helpful for many of the users and students out there. So, keep sharing and liking our content over social media.