
Monday 3 November 2014

How to open Private / locked Profile Picture on Facebook?

Hello everyone, today we are going to show you the way to open Facebook image of any person who lock their display picture (DP) using Facebook privacy options. Yes ;)
If you are here then surely you want to open display picture of any person who lock their profile picture, there is one easy method to open the locked picture on Facebook, follow the below steps to open locked profile image on Facebook.

1) Open your Facebook Account :D
2) Now open the profile of your friend whose picture you want to open
3) Now right click on display picture4) Click on copy image URL

5) After that open the new tab and paste the link ok Address bar and pres enter
The link URL Look like
6) You Will see now the small picture of your friend

7) Now find “t1.0-1/p160x160” on the URL & delete the “t1.0-1/p160x160” from the URL and press enter.
Woo !!! Now you are done.. :D After pressing enter key you will the full size image of your friend.
You can use the above method on any Facebook picture, hope you enjoy the trick don’t forget to share this trick on Facebook with your friend & If you have any doubt or query related to above content then feel free to ask via below comment option.

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