Google recently announced Android Device Manager is now officially live. Using this service Android OS users can easily track down their lost or Stolen Android phones, Tablets using a new Google’s Android device manager.
Android Device Manager Algorithm will automatically hit your android device without you having to do a setup for it. If you don’t have it yet, you will soon. The web interface to locate and track your devices is also now available on ADM service is available for all Android 2.2 and above devices.
How to Track Android devices using Android Device Manager
First of all you have to verify that the Android device manager is enabled on your device for this follow the below steps:
1) Go to the Settings menu then select security.
2) Here you will find a ‘Device administrators setting’select it
3) After that you will see the ‘Android Device Manager’ option, just go and enable it by selecting a checkbox
4) After enabling this feature, you will easily see your phone on the web.
You will now track its location by Google map, Ring the device at full volume for five minutes even if your device is in silent mode (This feature is very useful for you when you want to search your phone in your home) and you can also erase all the data from your device using Android device manager. ADM interface also allows you to track one or more devices using one account.
Note – To enable the erase data option on your android device, you should to enable the factory reset on your phone through the ‘Google Settings’ app on your device and clicking on the check box with in Android Device Manager And for tracking your phone service you have to enable Google location settings. You can enable these settings from the ‘Location’ menu from the Google Settings app.
Main features of Android Device Manager
1) Ring device
You can ring the device at full volume for five minutes even if your device is in silent mode ,This feature is very useful for you when you want to search your phone in your home.
2) Erase all data
You can easily erase all your data from your device using ADM. This feature is useful when your device has been stolen .
Hope you like our article on Google Track device manager, if you have any query related to above post then let me know by commenting below.
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